Our Privacy Policy
The Naples Historical Society (NHS) places a high priority on protecting your privacy. This privacy policy was created in order to demonstrate the society’s firm commitment to the privacy of our members and website users. Our privacy statement explains what types of information is collected by the organization and through the website, www.NaplesNYHistoricalSociety.org and how this information is used.
What personal information we collect
To provide service and communication to our membership, we collect personal information relating to individual members, including name, postal mailing address, e-mail address and telephone number.
How we collect personal information
Personal information is collected through Membership applications/renewals and other forms; and from those who sign up to receive NHS e-communications as website subscribers by voluntarily providing us with contact information (such as name and e-mail address).
How your information may be used
We limit access to your information to those on the board of directors and others within the organization who need it for society-related tasks (such as contacting members with event announcements or calls for volunteers). We use your personal information to provide you with personalized service; to send e-mail alerts and newsletters to you; to answer your requests; to process your membership application; etc.
Sharing personal information
The Naples Historical Society does not share, sell or rent personal information to anyone outside the organization.
Where your information is stored
Your information is collected and stored in three documents/programs:
Membership List (excel spreadsheet)
Google contacts (e-mail list)
Mail Chimp (mass e-mailing program)
Naples Historical Society Privacy Policy for website
IP addresses
The Naples Historical Society uses your IP address to help diagnose problems with our server, to administer www.NaplesNYHistoricalSociety.org, and for statistical metrics used to track website visitor traffic.
www.NaplesNYHistoricalSociety.org uses "cookie" messages to automatically help provide better services. They remind us who you are and your preferences for our website based on what you've done and told us before. The "cookie" is placed in your computer and is read when you come back to our website. Cookies let us take you to the information and features you're particularly interested in. They also let us track your usage of www.NaplesNYHistoricalSociety.org, so we know which parts of our sites are most popular. You can reject cookies or cancel them by instructing your Web browser accordingly.
Email Privacy
Emails collected via our website opt-in (“Join our Mailing List”) are added to our master list of contact information. The Naples Historical Society does not provide, sell, or rent e-mail addresses to anyone outside the organization. Sharing of e-mail addresses is limited to NHS board and committee chairpersons to be used solely for society-related tasks (see “How your information may be used” above). for the sole purpose of soliciting board and committee members???? managing committees???. if you do not wish to receive e-mail messages, please let us know by contacting us at NHSNYinfo@gmail.com.
We might not need this paragraph as it is stated in how your information may be used above. [I believe this paragraph is worth keeping –Kim]
External Links
www.NaplesNYHistoricalSociety.org includes links to external websites. These links do not fall under the www.NaplesNYHistoricalSociety.org domain, and the Naples Historical Society is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of external websites. Your use of any linked website is solely at your own risk.
We may amend this privacy policy from time to time. We maintain the option to modify this privacy policy at any time by electronic notice posted on our website. Your continued use of our website after the date that such notices are posted will be deemed to be your agreement to the changed terms.
For any questions related to our privacy policy, please contact NHSNYinfo@gmail.com.
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